Epitaxial oxide heterostructures: New design of Energy-Efficient spintronic Devices (NEED)

Magnetic skyrmions and ferroelectric vortex are two important research areas in condensed matter physics. They are usually studied separately, but I bring them together in this proposal. Interestingly, a relatively simple experiment can clarify many exciting phenomena and might lead to new application. Small and controlled skyrmions coupled with electric field could have an impact on reducing the energy consumption of switching yet, keeping their topological stable behavior.

The polar vortices observed in ferroelectrics on the other hand, are still not fully explored, but they have the potential to exhibit topological states similar to magnetic skyrmions. Even further, achieving deterministic control of uniform size of skyrmions with ferroelectric polarization would be an important and completely new step towards practical use of these particles-like objects in digital and logical information.

Very recently it was shown that such polar superlattice forms negative and positive capacitance states, which is pointing to the possibility of new types of metamaterial. The goal of this proposal is to unveil, explore and understand the interaction between magnetic and ferroelectric phases. Specifically, focusing on tuning the exotic states of ferroelectric and ferromagnetic materials by heterostructure engineering using an external magnetic or/and electric field.

This project has received fundings from Villum Experiments and will be running from  30-06-2020  to  01-07-2022



Nini Pryds
Head of Section, Professor
DTU Energy
+45 22 19 57 52